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What is a Holistic Health Exam?

The Holistic Health exam is a comprehensive study of the human body using observation skills from the Orient and Europe. It is a preventative approach focusing on organ system efficiency and cleansing. Its goal is to heal the internal workings of the human body rather than just treating symptoms. By improving the condition of the organs and tissues, symptoms will begin to dissipate. The natural health exam looks for imbalances prior to and during a disease state. These imbalances point the practitioner in the proper direction for healing the areas of concern. It also helps with disease prevention. These methods are considered to be a component of Naturopathology, which augments conventional medical care. Listed below are the components of a natural health exam:


Hara Study
The Hara Study helps the practitioner evaluate trapped or low energy based on Japanese energy systems. The hara areas that are studied are located in the epigastric and gastric regions of the body. These regions are palpated by the practitioner. They will identify tightness or softness. Upon identification the practitioner will note areas that may need stimulation or release. These areas are in direct correlation with the oriental meridian systems used in Chinese and Japanese acupressure and acupuncture.
Pulse Reading
Pulse reading evaluates the energy flow through the kidney, liver, heart, spleen, and lung meridians. It indicates the need for possible release of trapped energy or the need for energy stimulation on these meridians.
Iridology is the analysis of the patterns in the iris of the eye. These patterns indicate the levels of energy within the body. This study reveals the client’s general constitution, low or trapped energy in organs, cleansing issues, and areas needing nutritional balance. “Iridology will not show or name a specific disease,” parasites, organism, or pregnancy. It does not diagnose disease. It is used as a preventative measure and aides in support of the human body. This support can be achieved with a proper nutritional program and exercise.
Tongue Observation
Tongue observation shows signs of imbalance in the oriental meridian systems. It identifies how energy is being burned in the interior systems. It also indicates how nutrients are being utilized and the need for water and fiber.
Visual/Face Observation
Dampness, dryness, and odor of the skin indicate the need for energy or chi support in the filtration meridians. These observations also show where the client needs nutritional and energy support. Organs that are assessed in the face observation are: liver, gallbladder, spleen, large intestine, stomach, kidneys, lungs, and heart.

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